Services I Offer
Individual Psychotherapy
Individual psychotherapy is the most appropriate type of therapy for a variety is issues from anxiety and phobias to trauma and grief. It is the best way for an individual to clear blockages that are keeping them stuck.
Here are common reasons people begin individual psychotherapy with me:
-Excessive worry
-Regret and remorse
-Trauma or PTSD
-Prolonged grief
-Self-defeating behaviors
-Low self-esteem or confidence
-Anger issues
Whether you have been dealing with issues for a short time or for a long time, individual psychotherapy can help free you from your struggle and pain.
Relationship Therapy
Relationship Therapy is used to describe a variety of therapies that focus on enhancing or working through issues in relationships.
One type is couples therapy where the couple is trying to develop ways of relating and behaving toward each other to better meet each of their needs and wants. Even though the emphasis is often on communication, it also includes working through thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that interfere with the couples’ satisfaction.
A second type of relationship therapy is where an individual wants to change thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that may have created blocks toward developing or maintaining a satisfactory relationship. This can be especially powerful when both members of the couple choose to clear the blocks that are interfering with their relationship.
A third type of relationship therapy may be where an individual wants to transform a painful attachment to another person, perhaps because of a separation or divorce or because of their death. All of these can fall into the category of relationship therapy.
Professional Coaching
Coaching may be the most appropriate approach for someone who wants to achieve more satisfaction and success in their work. That work may be their job or employment or it may be their own business. They may also want to change careers or find a new job, any of which can be made easier with coaching.
Working with a coach can be a process of self discovery and self-improvement. It can also include releasing blocks and emotions that have been holding the person back while being mostly unconscious. Just as an athlete often benefits from working through the mental blocks that keep them from playing at their best, we can all benefit by identifying and releasing the blocks that hold us back in many areas of our lives.